Sacred Perspective:
Authentically, PSKF is represented by two orders
• General Body
• Governning Body
The General Body:
The general Assortment of PSKF comprises of 21 individuals are the incomparable power of the association. The General Body meets Two Times in a year, however in the event of need the gathering can be held mutiple. General Body has power to endorsed yearly program plan and financial plan, arranged action and survey the action done, authoritative execution and review report.
The Chief Body:
The Executive Council consists of one third of the members of the General Council. Those who run the institution. The general secretary performs the main duties of the organization. Ex-officio he is the executive director of the organization. Overseeing Body is chosen for a time of a long time from a group of 21 general individuals, whose are from various callings. The Executive Council meets every three months to review and monitor the activities of the organization. If necessary, they can have this meeting more than once.
List Of The Members Of Exucutive Body
Sl No | Name | Designation | |
1 | Sk.Nasim Uddin Ahmed | President | |
2 | Mrs. Afroza Begum | Vice-President | |
3 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | General Secretary | |
4 | Dr. Md. Rasfiqul Islam | Asst.General Secretary | |
5 | Mrs. Barnaly Jesmin | Tressurer | |
6 | Md. Tariqul Islam | Member | |
7 | Mrs. Nusrat Jahan | Member | |
Neighborhood accomplices:
• Landless and bad-to-the-bone poor
• Minor ranchers
• Little ranchers
• Dejected people including ethnic networks
• Youth and youngsters
Sacred Perspective:
Authentically, PSKF is represented by two orders
• General Body
• Overseeing Body
The General Body:
The general Assortment of PSKF comprises of 21 individuals are the incomparable power of the association. The General Body meets Two Times in a year, however in the event of need the gathering can be held ultiple. General Body has power to endorsed yearly program plan and financial plan, arranged action and survey the action done, authoritative execution and review report.
The Chief Body:
The Executive Council consists of one third of the members of the General Council. Those who run the institution. The general secretary performs the main duties of the organization. Ex-officio he is the executive director of the organization. Overseeing Body is chosen for a time of a long time from a group of 21 general individuals, whose are from various callings. The Executive Council meets every three months to review and monitor the activities of the organization. If necessary, they can have this meeting more than once.
Strategy on Orientation, Equivalent Open doors, Civil rights:
PSKF keeps up with orientation strategy stressing on equivalent open doors and civil rights independent of station, statement of faith and religion. The significant push of the association is offered on the chances to the gets to of the ladies local area that advance their freedoms in the family, and society. Every one of the projects that PSKF executes weight on the ladies local area and work with their advancement to elevate their way of life and to limit the prejudicial hole that exists among people concerning acknowledgment, acknowledgment and social and practical status.
The goal of orientation strategy is to advance equivalent chances of ladies local area at all levels of the association in consonance with their capabilities, their equivalent admittance to assets and administrations, correspondence in portrayal, authority and direction, uniformity of freedoms and so forth. The orientation strategy has been thought about fundamentally to reflect in (a) individual perspectives, and conduct (b) automatic results, and (c) hierarchical frameworks.
PSKF is profoundly against any type of brutality against ladies at the family, local area, provincial and state level. It constantly maintains and causes endeavors that to safeguard the freedoms of ladies local area at all circles of life. All together that ladies liberation can be upgraded through mainstreaming orientation relations, the clients of the association are generally the ladies, who are to partake in hierarchical exercises changing them into equivalent members as that of the guys in the independent work or pay work market. Further, the ladies clients of the association likewise advance more and approach credits from the proper funding foundations.
At authoritative level, the female staffs are given the inclinations in their enrollment as per their capabilities for the particular position. Not just, adaptabilities additionally exist for work with sensible status in the cutthroat market, are given open doors to their openness in the outer climate for social event information, working on their expertise, and advancing the cooperation of the females in their gathering, are furnished with sensible open doors for maternity leave in conso Generally, PSKF is firm on inquiries of advancing ladies’ privileges in getting to accessible open doors on the lookout, and mainstreaming orientation relations that guarantee common regards to guys and females in the general public.
Strategy system Report/manual:
Rundown of strategy system report/manual of PSKF:
Points of interest of policy Purpose Prepared/Last refreshed
Constitution of PSKF To control the hierarchical administration for working well. Reviewed and Refreshed
Staff the executives strategy (Administration rule) To guarantee compelling and proficient administration to control/create of HR alongside straightforward and working managerial framework and staff benefit. Reviewed and Refreshed
Orientation policy To establish empowering climate for all staff extraordinarily the female. Reviewed and Refreshed
Miniature money functional strategy including all parts under microfinance, alongside bunch individuals’ protection (Government assistance fund). Smooth and remarkably activity of the miniature money program parts alongside cover the gamble of clients and organization. Reviewed and Refreshed
Branch and task office functional policy. Rightly and exceptionally activity of the projects/projects offices. Reviewed and Refreshed
Common liberties Asset The board policy Establish major freedoms of networks, particularly for the ladies and youngsters and address the issues. Reviewed and Refreshed
Monetary and Records the executives strategy involving staffs benefits, buying, deals, head office cost portion framework and inspecting etc. To lay out a compelling and simple monetary administration, satisfactory bookkeeping framework and guarantee earlier transparency, Reviewed and Refreshed
Possibility plan Ensure prompt reaction to lessen lose of abundance and life during and after disaster Reviewed and Refreshed