Advancement of financial status of the oppressed through foundation building, conscientization, human asset improvement, schooling, climate agreeable neighborhood asset the executives, lay out harmony, equity, poise and brotherhood in the general public.
Palimati Somaj Kalyan Foundation imagine is an orientation, position and class equivalent climate cordial neediness free society.
- To make people self reliant including poor and landless.
- To create employment opportunities for the poor and ultra poor people through providing technical program
- Support including handicraft.
- To take steps for holistic development for poor by implementing multidimensional program activities.
- To establish dignity and ensure the rights of the women and children through providing legal support
- To develop long-term strategic plan for sustainable development of the Community.
- To be developed networking with international, national, and local like minded organization.
- To ensure necessary advocacy in respect of local issues for wellbeing of women and children.
- To prevent of early marriage, polygamy, women violence etc by implementing different activities.
- To take necessary initiative for makes people aware about health, population, nutrition and family planning.
- To create unity and empowerment of poor and ultra poor men & women of the working areas.
- To develop/mobilize of human resource to increase socio-economic status by reducing vulnerability.
- To increase organic farming practice and forestation to reduce environment pollution.
- To make people aware about democracy and rights.
- To establish child rights through protect of child labor.
- To operate the credit program by the local or foreign individual or institutional donation or credit.
- To reduce lose of life and wealth during & post disaster.